Creating a Religion
Here is a rough outline of some things to think about when creating a religion in a fantasy world. It includes a lot of things that people often forget.
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Supernatural Beings
Number of gods:
How much power do the gods have?
All-powerful, all-knowing (like western religions on Earth).
Highly limited in power and knowledge (like the Olympian pantheon).
Are some gods more powerful than others?
What form do the gods take?
Are they basically human, like in the Greek and Roman pantheon?
Are they benevolent beings looking down from above?
Are they abstract concepts?
How do they interact with followers?
Do people get power from gods? Do gods get power from people?
Other beings
Are there notable good or evil beings (angels/devils)?
Are there powers that fight the gods?
Are there other creatures or powers that followers believe in?
Is some particular species special to the gods?
How did the world begin?
How will the world end?
Origins of the religion:
Is there an historical basis?
Is it purely philosophical?
Is it based on demonstrable reality?
When did the religion start?
Where did it start? Is any special significance attributed to that place?
Anything special happen in its past?
Persecution of or by other religions.
Mass exedus, exiles, dispersions or migrations.
Times when the religion was dominant in a region or the world.
Role in the World
How popular is this religion?
Where are its centers of operation?
How spread out is it?
Does it control local or national governments?
Identifying Features
Do followers or leaders act or dress in a way that makes them stand out?
Do they sing a lot?
Eat a lot?
Wear a funny hat?
Modesty rules for men and/or women.
Make-up, jewelry or face/body paint.
Tattoos, piercings or body mutilation.
How much clothing do followers wear?
Any special clothing worn by followers or leaders?
Is it a war-mongering religion?
A mercantile religion?
Who are the worshippers?
Residents of a certain place.
Residents of a certain terrain.
Members of a certain species.
Members of a certain social class.
Members of a secret society.
Are followers or priests known for a particular type of behavior?
Focused on omens.
Forcing conversion.
Outgoing and open.
Eager to help.
Are some members more powerful/important than others?
Is there a complex caste system?
Is there a single person or group of people who are above all?
Are only certain members allowed to:
Rules and Regulations
Dietary restrictions
Limits on the amount of food consumed.
Vegetarian? Vegan? Carnivorous? Cannibalistic?
Foods that cannot be eaten.
Specific animals or plants.
Types of animals or plants.
Foods that must be eaten.
Food used in ritual.
Rules about food prepared or touched by an impure person, or someone who's not a member of the religion.
Languages that followers or leaders must speak.
How much?
In what forms?
Is charity given:
Polygamy/Polygany allowed?
Pre-marital sex allowed? Encouraged?
Marriage required/allowed?
Relations with priests, heretics, cripples, widows, whatever.
Are certain people or people of certain ages required to be chaste?
Rituals involving sex.
Limitations on when or how one may have sex.
Ritual purity
Do certain activities or conditions make someone impure?
Do priests just declare someone impure?
Are there rituals to become pure?
Conduct of followers.
Conduct of priests.
Extra rules and regulations for priests.
Extra powers and privileges for priests.
Encouraged or discouraged? Why?
Encouraged or discouraged for certain types of followers (priests, etc).
Literacy of followers.
Limited in how much wealth one can posess?
Required to seek out wealth?
Wealth limited to a certain social or religious caste?
Historically based.
Tied to a natural occurrence, like the first rain of spring.
Tied to a man-made occurrence, like the sending off of the fishing boats.
Only when specifically declared by the priesthood.
Reasons for a holiday.
How important is it? Why?
Observences, Rites and Rituals:
Requirements or restrictions during the holiday.
Titles of religious officials.
Names of the most important officials.
What are followers called?
Are there popular baby names, for religious or historical reasons?
Are names used at all?
Is magic good or evil?
Are certain spells forbidden?
Can priests cast spells?
Is spellcasting required for or forbidden to certain castes?
Is magic ritualistic or straightforward?
Do gods control or grant magic? Does magic control the gods?
Any attachment to particular magical creatures?