Jorran Kal is a dark-haired man of non-descript appearance. Unlike the other powerful townsmen, he dresses in a humble style and seldom makes public appearances.
Jorran Kal keeps to himself, so almost none of the population has heard of him. However, he controls a good share of the town guard, and in times of peace, he has a lot of influence over taxation and other monetary decisions in town meetings116plugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigAppeared or occurred in:
: The State of Maelbourg
An hour or so after the tailor left, a messenger arrived with an unsigned letter from Galgewe: I will not be able to visit you myself tonight due to prior engagements, so I will answer some of your questions here. Please destroy this message when you have comitted it to memory. If you forget, its ink is designed to fade within a day or two.
You asked for descriptions of the major players in town, so here they are. The number following each name is an indication of power and influence. There a…. His patronage of the guard is extensive, and Kal's word often determines who gets promoted up the ranks. He is particularly good friends with Captain Duddan.
Kal is one of the top six townsmen116plugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigAppeared or occurred in:
: The State of Maelbourg
An hour or so after the tailor left, a messenger arrived with an unsigned letter from Galgewe: I will not be able to visit you myself tonight due to prior engagements, so I will answer some of your questions here. Please destroy this message when you have comitted it to memory. If you forget, its ink is designed to fade within a day or two.
You asked for descriptions of the major players in town, so here they are. The number following each name is an indication of power and influence. There a…, largely due to his influence over the Guard and the availability of currency. As the size of the guard has increased dramatically in light of Balban's army, his influence has declined somewhat. He is currently bed-ridden due to an attempted assassination by one of Silnquostplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigGuildmaster Gal Silnquost
A man in his forties, tall, at least while seated, who had a full head of graying hair. He was of unspectacular appearance, but his voice made up for it. Townsman Silnquost was as tall as Ziedon, an unusual thing in Huerten. Like most townsmen, he was equipped with an ornate dagger that bore the insignia of his guild on its hilt. He also wore a sword, and, though it was difficult to tell through the elaborate clothing, there might have been a little extra …'s men.122plugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigAppeared or occurred in:
: Hewlard and Duddan
“You called me.”
Ziedon rolled over in his bed, ignoring the dream.
“You called me. Why?”
He was tired. How much sleep could he have gotten? Three hours? Four?
“You called me. Why?”
Ziedon opened his eyes a crack. The sun had risen only recently, and it was cold. The bird was perched on the highest shelf above the desk, staring at him with interest. It was also squawking annoyingly. Kal's wife Marigold is searching desperately for a healer with expertise in combating poisons, in order to restore her husbands good health.
Kal's personal fortune derives from his ownership of silver and gold smithies as well a jewelry craftshop.
Kal is mentioned in these turns: 67plugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigReferenced in:
: Sahlman's Adventure: The state of Maelbourg
Half a mile from the perimeter of Maelbourg, Sahlman turned to Forgolon. “This is dangerous work. We must talk now. I tell you, what I want is for my friends to be free and not work for bad men. This is all I want. You tell me now. Who is lord of Maelbourg now? Who put my friends in jail? Why they in jail? What you want from me?,116plugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigReferenced in:
: The State of Maelbourg
An hour or so after the tailor left, a messenger arrived with an unsigned letter from Galgewe: I will not be able to visit you myself tonight due to prior engagements, so I will answer some of your questions here. Please destroy this message when you have comitted it to memory. If you forget, its ink is designed to fade within a day or two.
You asked for descriptions of the major players in town, so here they are. The number following each name is an indication of power and influence. There a…,121plugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigReferenced in:
: A Rap on the Shutters
Late in the night, Ziedon was woken by a rap on his shutters. Thinking it was the wind, he dozed off, but the fourth time it happened, he got up and separated them. The bird stumbled a bit and landed on the outside window sill, peering in. A moment later, there was a knock on his door.,122plugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigReferenced in:
: Hewlard and Duddan
“You called me.”
Ziedon rolled over in his bed, ignoring the dream.
“You called me. Why?”
He was tired. How much sleep could he have gotten? Three hours? Four?
“You called me. Why?”
Ziedon opened his eyes a crack. The sun had risen only recently, and it was cold. The bird was perched on the highest shelf above the desk, staring at him with interest. It was also squawking annoyingly.,143plugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigReferenced in:
: The Song of Destruction
Kreemon woke up hurting all over. He lifted himself slowly, only realizing he was lying on a table top when his motion unbalanced the makeshift stretcher, twisting it out of Ziedon's sore and tired hands, and sending it crashing to the ground. Kreemon rolled a couple times on the ground before colliding with the filthy wall of the alley. Weak from his many wounds, he lifted himself carefully on the palms of his hands, and saw,144plugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigReferenced in:
: Gathering Support
The day got worse and worse for Ziedon. The volume of the chant became louder, until at times it was almost impossible to concentrate. It would then soften, but never as much as the last time. Ziedon felt he was running out of time to deal with this problem, and given how the last fight with the priests went, he would probably need help, and a good plan. He had just decided that, when the chanting reached a crescendo more powerful than any before it.